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Beast Wars: Transformers is a third-person shooter developed by SCE Studio Cambridgeand published by Hasbro Interactive on December 5, 1997 for PlayStation and May 31, 1998 for Microsoft Windows. It is based on the Beast Wars: Transformers animated series,specifically the first season, after the introduction of Airazor and Inferno.


The game allows the player to play as either the Maximals or the Predacons in a series of missions to sabotage the other side's attempts at gaining a tactical advantage in the Beast Wars.There are six playable characters on each side, one unlockable by finding a stasis pod in a specific level and the other only accessible in Rescue missions, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. They all have both a health meter and an Energon tolerance meter that slowly goes down while in Robot mode (staying in Beast Mode slowly refills this meter); once this meter is empty, the player takes damage from the ambient Energon radiation in the air. If the player fails in a mission and gets the character killed, the character can be 'revived' by finding a mini game icon in that same level. The mini game allows the player to take control of Airazor or Terrorsaur to recover the fallen ally.
