Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! is a platform game based on Pixar's 1999 computer animated film Toy Story 2. It is the sequel to the first Toy Story video game. It was released for the Nintendo 64, PlayStation, Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh in 1999, while a Dreamcast version followed in 2000. The computer versions were released under the title Disney/Pixar's Action Game, Toy Story 2. A different version, a side-scrolling platform game titled Toy Story 2, was also released for the Game Boy Color in 1999.
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! was re-released as a downloadable game for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable in 2011, followed by a downloadable PlayStation Vita re-release in 2012. A sequel to the game was released 11 years later, based on Toy Story 3.
1. Andy's House
- The boss of this level is an Tin Robot.
2. Andy's Neighborhood
- The boss of this level is an Zurg Kite.
3. Bombs Away!
- The boss of this level is an large toy airplane.
4. Construction Yard
- The boss of this level is an Jackhammer.
5. Alleys and Gullies
- The boss of this level is an Clown Top.
6. Slime Time
- The boss of this level is an slime in trash can.
7. Al's Toy Barn
- The boss of this level is an Toy Dinosaur.
8. Al's Space Land
- The boss of this level is an Buzz Lightyear Buggy.
9. Toy Barn Encounter
- The boss of this level is an giant spaceship.
10. Elevator Hop
- The boss of this level is an Spider Gunro.
11. Al's Penthouse
- The boss of this level is an Gunslinger.
12. The Evil Emperor Zurg
- The boss of this level is an Emperor Zurg.
13. Airport Infiltration
- The boss of this level is an Prospector.
14. Tarmac Trouble
- The boss of this level is an Blacksmith.
15. Prospector Showdown
- The three bosses of this level are: Prospector, Blacksmith, and Gunslinger.